Schafer and Henderson’s cases do not map to being “shouted down”, they were critiqued (perhaps too harshly) for their actions /posts. Some people didn’t like what they said, but they weren’t cancelled in any sense and they were able to respond. It’s not a big deal.
Turnbulls case is more nuanced, and I definitely don’t agree with the protestors to shut his speech down. But it was in no shape or form “ignored”. The police came, secured the area, and 20 people were removed ( Your counter examples are invalid, and you didn’t respond to my points at all.
If anything, the right and idiotic centrists trying to hold the moral high ground have made far too big a stink about some whiny college students, all in an attempt to smear universities as “indoctrination systems” and to peddle fearmongering narratives about Stalinism. The left gets a little too triggered by actions that suggest intolerance, which results in no violence and minor inconvenience. Meanwhile people brainwashed by the right are shooting black people and denying trans people basic rights. It’s a false equivalency. It’s a minor problem that’s being blown up for political purposes, and it’s been then this way since I first started college in 2005. Don’t give it more traction than it deserves.